Stéphane Séméria
President of F²auve
It all began in July 2016 with a brief and fortuitous meeting of four members of different associations at the company’s stand. « Blue2beGreen » at the Val d’Isère electric and hybrid vehicle show. But the fundamental meeting took place
the following year, still in the same venue in the same alpine scenery,
with the help of Jean-Luc Coupez and the special spirit of the President of
the VEGA association, now President of FFAUVE.
Exhibitors side by side on the same stand, the complicity was immediate.
between the associations LFC, VEGA, Elecmobiles24, Lame 66 and AVEP
and the famous electro-bloggers Jean Claude LE MAIRE and Thierry ZIEGLER,
expressed respectively in « Le VE je le veux » and « ACTI-VE ».
The ACOZE and the AUBE also contributed to this fraternal atmosphere.
The year 2018 was a blank year, but the urgent call from Pays de Gex for a
more formal gathering was heard at the very beginning of 2019.
The appointment was then made in the center of France, as close as
possible to the Charade circuit and everything accelerated. Objectives,
governance, organization, business model, statutes were all on the agenda, as was the adoption of the name FFAUVE and its graphic identity.
FFAUVE is the result of the adage « l’union fait la force » (unity is strength), which has been adopted by French electric car user associations. More precisely, five associations and two influencers, all founding members of FFAUVE, decided to pool their motivation, their network and their multiple know-how to promote electric car mobility at the national level and even more forcefully. All of them have an important history in the knowledge and practice of the electric car. If the Leaf France Café had initially chosen to bring together the followers of a given model, the other associations (VEGA, AVEP, LAME 66 and Elecmobiles 24) played the local card and any type of electric vehicle.
We were quickly joined by three other associations (REVE974, MVEC, La CoopéractiVE). In addition, many popular EV groups on Facebook and Youtube VE interact with FFAUVE.
The Federation intends to preserve the identity of each of its members through its federative nature, which is very important to the presidents and their respective offices, all of which are heavily involved in their respective associations.
The internal organization of the Federation (association under the 1901 law) is quite classical: President, Treasurer, Secretary with however several Vice-Presidents, each founding member is responsible for a given field.
FFAUVE members meet twice a month by videoconference, with a meeting to follow up the action plan alternating with a more general meeting. Two face-to-face meetings allow for even denser exchanges and the holding of the Annual General Meeting.
FFAUVE wished and obtained with ease a cross-membership with AVEM (whom we thank for this article) and with AIRE, the association of French retrofit companies. Integrating the AVERE, other than at the regional level, is currently on the agenda. The Federation is also well known at the European level, through its regular participation in the monthly meetings organised by the Norwegian VE association and through its notable presence at EVS 32.
Invited more and more frequently to bring the user vision to conferences or media, FFAUVE is developing its notoriety on social networks with an ever-increasing audience.
It is obviously looking for support to carry out its ambitious range of actions and, as it meets new
people, it has built up a pool of friends and partners, all of whom are perfectly aware that electric
mobility is gradually going to overtake thermal mobility.